
Aging Package

299.00 د.إ

List of Included Tests - 19 Tests

Al Borg Diagnostics

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نحن متواجدين لخدمتك

10 فروع

تفاصيل البرنامج المضمنة - 10 تحاليل

يعتبر فحص تعداد الدم الكامل (CBC) اختبار دم يستخدم لتقييم حالتك الصحية العامة والكشف عن مجموعة كبيرة من الاضطرابات، بما في ذلك فقر الدم والعدوى واضطرابات الصفائح الدموية وأورام الدم.

يعدّ إنزيم ناقلة أمين الألانين الذي يُعرف اختصاراً باسم ALT أحد الإنزيمات الموجودة بشكلٍ رئيسيّ في الكبد و يساعد في تحويل البروتينات إلى طاقة لخلايا الكبد، إضافة إلى تواجده بكميات أقل في أعضاء أخرى من الجسم مثل القلب والعضلات والبنكرياس والكليتين.

يعدّ إنزيم AST أحد الإنزيمات الموجودة في الكبد بالاضافه الي أعضاء أخرى من الجسم مثل العضلات.

قيس تحليل السكر العشوائي في الدم أو تحليل الجلوكوز العشوائي (بالإنجليزية: Random Glucose Test)، كمية السكر أو الجلوكوز الموجودة في دم الفرد، ويستخدم لتشخيص إصابة الفرد بمرض السكري، ويتم إجراؤه في أي وقت خلال اليوم، ولا يحتاج الفرد إلى الصيام عند إجرائه.

الكوليسترول مادة شمعية موجودة في دمك. يحتاج جسمك إلى الكوليسترول لبناء الخلايا السليمة ، لكن المستويات المرتفعة من الكوليسترول يمكن أن تزيد من خطر الإصابة بأمراض القلب.

يقيس فحص البروتين الدُّهني عالي الكثافة (HDL) مستوى الكوليسترول الجيد في الدم, تعمل هذه البروتينات وكأنها منظفات للكوليسترول، إذ إنها تجمع الكوليسترول الزائد في الجسم وتعيده إلى الكبد حتى يتم تحليله. وكلما ارتفع مستوى البروتينات الدهنية عالية الكثافة، انخفض مستوى الكوليسترول “الضار” في الدم.

إن تحليل نيتروجين اليوريا في الدم، يوفر معلومات مهمة عن وظائف الكلى، ويقيس كمية نيتروجين اليوريا في الدم، ويعد نيتروجين اليوريا أحد المخلفات التي تتم إزالته من الدم عن طريق الكليتين.

اختبار الكرياتينين هو قياس لمدى كفاءة الكلية في أداء وظيفتها في ترشيح الفضلات من الدم. الكرياتينين هو مركب كيميائي متبقٍ من عمليات إنتاج الطاقة في العضلات. حيث ترشِّح الكلى السليمة الكرياتينين خارج الدم. ويخرج الكرياتينين من الجسم ضمن الفضلات الخارجة مع البول. يحدد اختبار الكرياتينين كفاءة عمل كليتيك.

يعتبر الكالسيوم من أهم العناصر في جسم الانسان مما يقوم به من دور كبير في معظم العمليات الحيوية، حيث انه يدخل في تكوين الهيكل العظمي وله دور رئيسي في نقل الاشارات العصبية والانقباض الطبيعي للعضلات وتجلط الدم وتنشيط بعض الانزيمات وتنظيم عمل بعض الهرمونات.

فيتامين دال هو أحد العناصر الغذائية التي يحتاجها جسمك لبناء عظام صحية والحفاظ عليها. كما ينظم فيتامين دال أيضًا الكثير من الوظائف الأخرى في خلايا جسمك. وتدعم كذلك خصائصه المضادة للالتهابات وللأكسدة والواقية للأعصاب صحة الجهاز المناعي ووظائف العضلات ونشاط خلايا الدماغ

Al Borg Plus Programs for a healthy lifestyle in its four categories provide its customers with the most important benefits, discounts and unique exclusive benefits.

Al Borg & PHD Membership Card

Al Borg Laboratories pleased to offer an annual membership card that grants you a 50% discount on all medical tests for only 299 AED (valid for 1 year from the date of purchase).

Medical Articles

Al Borg Diagnostics In Numbers
Your Preferred Health Partner

20 +

Extensive experience that exceeds 25 years in the field of laboratories and diagnostics

The first laboratory was established in 1998 in Jeddah to become today the largest chain of private laboratories in the GCC, headquartered in Riyadh.

145 +

150+ international and local accreditation certificate

Achieved through our constant strive to provide and develop high-quality services in line with the latest global technologies and the best practices.

10 .3m+

Over 16.3 Million Tests per Year

Over the course of two decades, Al Borg Diagnostics have tested over 100 million samples, guaranteeing highly accurate results and promptness in delivery.

190 +

Over 200 branches in GCC & North Africa

We have more than 200 labs in GCC and North Africa, and planning to open more labs in near future

14 K

Proud to serve more than 15K of customers everyday through our network

0 +

Presence in 8 Countries

Al Borg Diagnostics has branches in 8 different GCC and African countries, and it seeks to be a major player in its field of work both regionally and internationally.

4990 +

More than 5000 partner of healthcare providers

Our network covers more than 5000 hospitals and medical centers who trusts our capabilities to give the best laboratory services

190 +

More than 200 lab management contracts

We manage labs inside hospitals and medical centers to improve lab services at their facilities


The biggest Reference labs in the Middle East

will serve patients in the highest level of world-class quality and professionalism that they deserve


- individual services provided by AL Borg Diagnostics


Healthcare Providers in Dubai, UAE


- Laboratory Services by Healthcare Professionals in UAE

Healthcare Professionals

Pharmaceuticals Services in Dubai, UAE


Am I going through
Andropause/ Erectile Function?

Take this test and take the first step to feel better.


Through our headquarter in Riyadh and our laboratories which are spread across various Arab and African countries, we seek to provide high-quality services and keep pace with the latest developments in the world of medicine, and we look forward to open more branches in the near future to serve you wherever you are.

Our Accreditations & Strategic Partners

Get Al Borg Mobile App for easy access on yout healthcare informations and lab test reports

Get Al Borg Mobile App

Al Borg application was launched to be your preferred health partner wherever you are, to keep track of all the tests you have performed, and to help you stay up to date in regards to general health information.

PCR Testing
Starting at 149 SAR

Benefit from our PCR testing services at our branches, drive thru, or at the convenience of your own home. You can also have your results in 2 hours only.

Talk to our Team

You can speak with our customer service team at any time via WhatsApp

Al Borg Plus Programs for a healthy lifestyle in its four categories provide its customers with the most important benefits, discounts and unique exclusive benefits.

Al Borg & PHD Membership Card

Al Borg Laboratories pleased to offer an annual membership card that grants you a 50% discount on all medical tests for only 299 AED (valid for 1 year from the date of purchase).

Medical Articles

Al Borg Diagnostics In Numbers
Your Preferred Health Partner

20 +

Extensive experience that exceeds 25 years in the field of laboratories and diagnostics

The first laboratory was established in 1998 in Jeddah to become today the largest chain of private laboratories in the GCC, headquartered in Riyadh.

145 +

150+ international and local accreditation certificate

Achieved through our constant strive to provide and develop high-quality services in line with the latest global technologies and the best practices.

10 .3m+

Over 16.3 Million Tests per Year

Over the course of two decades, Al Borg Diagnostics have tested over 100 million samples, guaranteeing highly accurate results and promptness in delivery.

190 +

Over 200 branches in GCC & North Africa

We have more than 200 labs in GCC and North Africa, and planning to open more labs in near future

14 K

Proud to serve more than 15K of customers everyday through our network

0 +

Presence in 8 Countries

Al Borg Diagnostics has branches in 8 different GCC and African countries, and it seeks to be a major player in its field of work both regionally and internationally.

4990 +

More than 5000 partner of healthcare providers

Our network covers more than 5000 hospitals and medical centers who trusts our capabilities to give the best laboratory services

190 +

More than 200 lab management contracts

We manage labs inside hospitals and medical centers to improve lab services at their facilities


The biggest Reference labs in the Middle East

will serve patients in the highest level of world-class quality and professionalism that they deserve


- individual services provided by AL Borg Diagnostics


Healthcare Providers in Dubai, UAE


- Laboratory Services by Healthcare Professionals in UAE

Healthcare Professionals

Pharmaceuticals Services in Dubai, UAE


Am I going through
Andropause/ Erectile Function?

Take this test and take the first step to feel better.


Through our headquarter in Riyadh and our laboratories which are spread across various Arab and African countries, we seek to provide high-quality services and keep pace with the latest developments in the world of medicine, and we look forward to open more branches in the near future to serve you wherever you are.

Our Accreditations & Strategic Partners

Get Al Borg Mobile App for easy access on yout healthcare informations and lab test reports

Get Al Borg Mobile App

Al Borg application was launched to be your preferred health partner wherever you are, to keep track of all the tests you have performed, and to help you stay up to date in regards to general health information.

PCR Testing
Starting at 149 SAR

Benefit from our PCR testing services at our branches, drive thru, or at the convenience of your own home. You can also have your results in 2 hours only.

Talk to our Team

You can speak with our customer service team at any time via WhatsApp

Become a partner with us

Franchise program

Join the franchise program of Al Borg Laboratories and be part of the health system within the region


Erectile Function