Al Borg Diagnostics
Vitamin Deficiency Tests
Vitamins are essential substances that the body typically obtains from a balanced diet and requires in small amounts for normal body functions.
However, in some cases, the body does not get enough of these vitamins or receives an excess of them, leading to deficiencies or excesses that disrupt the body’s functions. This can be detected through Vitamin Deficiency tests, which we will discuss in the following article.(3)
What are Vitamin Deficiency Tests?
Vitamin deficiency tests measure the levels of vitamins in the blood to identify deficiencies or excesses of any vitamin beyond the normal range. Deficiencies or excesses of vitamins can lead to various health problems and severe medical conditions.
This testing also helps identify imbalances in the diet and allows for dietary adjustments. And it can determine the need for nutritional supplements or the cessation of their use.(6)
What Do Vitamin Deficiency Tests Include?
Vitamin deficiency test measures the levels of the following vitamins, or most of them: (4)
- Vitamin B1.
- Vitamin B2.
- Vitamin B5.
- Vitamin B6.
- Vitamin B12.
- Folic acid (Vitamin B9).
- Vitamin C.
- Vitamin D.
- Vitamin A.
- Vitamin E.
- Vitamin K.
Who should take vitamin Deficiency tests?
Here are some of the groups that are at risk of vitamin deficiency and are advised to undergo the Vitamin deficiency tests:(1)(2)
- Pregnant women and young children.
- Elderly individuals.
- Those with digestive system disorders that affect nutrient absorption, such as Crohn’s disease and celiac disease.
- Individuals with An imbalanced diet.
- Vegetarians, who often experience deficiencies in vitamin D and vitamin B12
- People with alcohol and drug dependency.
- Individuals who take medications that reduce nutrient absorption, such as proton pump inhibitors.
- People who do not get sufficient sunlight exposure.
How to Prepare for Vitamin Deficiency Tests?
This test does not require prior preparations, but the person may be asked to fast for 12 hours before the test. The doctor may also request the discontinuation of certain dietary supplements.
How to test your vitamin levels?
This test is done by collecting a blood sample from a vein in the person’s arm and placing it in a specialized tube for analysis. Alternatively, the testing can be done by pricking the finger with a lancet and collecting a small blood sample for analysis. The results of the test usually become available within a few days. (1)(3)
What Are the Normal Levels of Vitamins in the Blood?
Vitamin | Percentage |
Vitamin A | 1.65 - 2.75 IU/mL |
Vitamin D | 0.7 - 3.3 IU/mL |
Vitamin E | 5 - 25 micrograms/dL |
Vitamin C | 0.2 - 2 milligrams/dL |
Vitamin K | 0.13 - 1.19 nanograms/mL |
Vitamin B1 | 90 - 140 nanomoles/L |
Vitamin B2 | 4 - 24 micrograms/dL |
Vitamin B5 | 344 - 583 micrograms/L |
Vitamin B6 | 5 - 25 nanograms/mL |
Vitamin B12 | 200 - 800 picograms/mL |
Folic acid (Vitamin B9) | 5 - 21 micrograms/dL |
What Should You Do If the Test Shows a Deficiency or Excess of a Vitamin?
Suppose the test results show a deficiency or excess in the level of any vitamin. In that case, you must consult a doctor who will advise you on adjusting your diet, consuming foods or supplements rich in the deficient vitamin, or avoiding it in case of excess. (1)
How Often Should This Test Be Done?
No general rule determines how often vitamin deficiency tests should be done. However, if you experience the following symptoms, it is recommended to undergo the test as they may indicate a vitamin deficiency: (2)
- Persistent fatigue.
- Shortness of breath.
- Brittle hair and nails.
- Hair loss.
- Mouth sores and cracks around the mouth.
- Rapid heartbeat.
The doctor may also request regular testing if you have been diagnosed with a deficiency or excess of vitamins.(1)
In conclusion, we recommend visiting one of Al-Borg Diagnostics’ branches to undergo vitamin deficiency tests through the All Vitamin package, which accurately measures the levels of 9 essential vitamins in the body.
- https://ada.com/micronutrients/vitamin-deficiency-test/
- https://www.nuffieldhealth.com/tests-scans/vitamin-deficiency-test
- https://thriva.co/hub/vitamins/vitamin-and-mineral-blood-tests#what-are-vitamins-and-minerals
- https://labpedia.net/vitamins-normal-level-in-the-blood/
- https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2088605-overview#:~:text=Reference%20ranges%20are%20as%20follows,or%20266%2D1330%20nmol%2FdL
- https://www.lifeextension.com/lab-testing/nutrition#:~:text=The%20Nutrient%20Panel%20Blood%20Test,and%20red%20blood%20cell%20magnesium
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All Vitamins Package