Al Borg Diagnostics
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Al Borg Diagnostics Contribution to the development of Diagnostic Immunology
Over the past two decades, diagnostic immunology has grown rapidly, as a wide range of advanced diagnostic tools for early screening were added. Al Borg Diagnostics succeeded in being the first medical laboratory network in the private sector to be able to attract distinguished scientists in diagnostic immunology. Diagnostic immunology relies on advanced medical techniques such as sorting flowing cells with a wide range of diagnostic immune markers to analyze millions of live immune system cells that can help diagnose and treat medical disorders.
On the other hand, discoveries such as enzyme amplification has also helped improve the sensitivity of diagnostic immunity by using modern technology which in turn helped in recognizing thousands of diagnostic antibodies. This has made early screening and the monitoring and management of a wide range of pathological disorders including autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity disorders, and neoplasms possible.
In addition, the Diagnostic Immunology Department in Al Borg Diagnostics is also a provider of diagnostic immunology services consultations to most governmental and private medical centers, clinics, and private medical laboratories throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries.
Recently, the Department of Diagnostic Immunology has also begun to develop a strategic cooperation plan with other national departments, universities, and regional and international medical centers to participate in scientific research projects in diagnostic immunology. This medical specialty has been included in the education curriculum of undergraduate medical students and graduate students in various medical and laboratory fields that has been recognized by the Saudi Health Council.